http:\/\/\/thermal-conductivity-d_429.html<\/a>[\/note] and so if the prisoners lay down on the floor, their large surface area and large thickness, together with the high $K_C$ meant that conduction losses were very high – between 80 W – 400 W during 0 C weather. To prevent these losses (and their bodies consequently freezing), the prisoners would prop themselves off the ground by resting their elbows and knees on toilet paper rolls. The reduced surface area in contact with the material and the low conductivity of paper (0.05 W\/mK) lowered their conduction losses by a substantial amount, at the expense of an uncomfortable posture[note]Personal communication with U.S. National Parks Service guide during a visit in 2008.[\/note].<\/p>\n <\/p>\n
Updated 2019-09-09<\/strong><\/p>\n <\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":6,"featured_media":2211,"template":"","tags":[150,83,151,152,153,96,154,155,156],"date_post_made_public":"0000-00-00","post_authored_by":"","hook":"
\r\n\r\nHow much energy does our body use? How do we keep cool when it is really hot out? Can we justify eating more when studying?\r\n\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","big_ideas":"
\r\n \t- Steady state: power in = power out<\/li>\r\n \t
- The body maintains the power balance with the environment by eating, clothing and sweating.<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","thumbnail_for_post":"